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时间:2024-07-22 03:16:33



in the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. she explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. a wild gleam came into the judge's eye. "you are a school teacher, eh?" said he. "madam, i shall realize my lifelong ambition. sit down at that table and write 'i went through a red light' five hundred times."



儿子是混乱的,所以他问:“上帝是黑人还是白人?” 这位母亲回答说:“上帝是黑色和白色,亲爱的。”



儿子想想,他的脸亮起来时,他认为他终于回答他的问题:“上帝是迈克尔杰克逊?”a boy says to her mother, "mom, is god a man or woman?"

the mom thinks a while and says, "well, son, god is both man and woman."the son is confused, so he asks, "is god black or white?"

the mother replies, "god is both black and white, honey."

the son, still curious, says after a while, "is god gay or straight, mommy?"

the mother, getting a little worried, answers, "son, god is both gay and straight."

the son thinks about it, and his face lights up when he thinks he finally has answered his question: "is god michael jackson?"

to rise early 论早起

i do not know the reason why some people want to get up late. they will never have the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and calmness of the morning. this is indeed a quite regrettable thing.

to rise early is a good habit which we should develop. why? because the best time when we can pursue our studies is in the morning. in addition, early rising is also good to our health. i hope that everybody our knows the reason why we must rise early.






这在课堂汤姆早上借你的随身听,放在桌上一听完广播。我们相互追逐并具有休会期间的乐趣。本人在桌子掀翻在不知不觉你的随身听。 ,并没有工作了。现在的第一件事我必须做的是午餐后写信给你表示深深的遗憾。我希望你能原谅我的粗心大意我。




letter of apology

dear henry,

i am terribly sorry that your walkman was damaged owing to my carelessness.

this morning in the classroom tom borrowed your walkman and put il on the desk after listening to the radio. we were chasing each other and having fun during the break. i knocked your walkman off the desk without noticing it. and it didn't work any more. now the first thing i hasten to do after lunch is to write to you to express my deep regret. i hope you will excuse me for my carelessness.

……此处隐藏1267个字……d to actually be traced. it is popularly recognized as the spring festival and celebrations last 15 days.

preparations tend to begin a month from the date of the chinese new year (similar to a western christmas), when people start buying presents,

decoration materials, food and clothing.

a huge clean-up gets underway days before the new year, when chinese

houses are cleaned from top to bottom, to sweep away any traces of bad luck, and doors and windowpanes are given a new coat of paint, usually red. the doors and windows are then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on them.

the eve of the new year is perhaps the most exciting part of the event, as anticipation creeps in. here, traditions and rituals are very carefully observed in everything from food to clothing.

dinner is usually a feast of seafood and dumplings, signifying different good wishes. delicacies include prawns, for liveliness and happiness, dried oysters (or ho xi), for all things good, raw fish salad or yu sheng to bring good luck and prosperity, fai-hai (angel hair), an edible hair-like seaweed to bring prosperity, and dumplings boiled in water (jiaozi) signifying a long-lost good wish for a family.

it's usual to wear something red as this color is meant to ward off evil spirits - but black and white are out, as these are associated with mourning. after

dinner, the family sit up for the night playing cards, board games or watching tv programmers dedicated to the occasion. at midnight, the sky is lit up by fireworks.

on the day itself, an ancient custom called hong bao, meaning red packet, takes place. this involves married couples giving children and unmarried

adults money in red envelopes. then the family begins to say greetings from door to door, first to their relatives and then their neighbors. like the western saying "let bygones be bygones," at chinese new year, grudges are very easily cast aside.

the end of the new year is marked by the festival of lanterns, which is a celebration with singing, dancing and lantern shows.

although celebrations of the chinese new year vary, the underlying message is one of peace and happiness for family members and friends.




晚餐,通常都是饺子和海鲜酒席。象征着不同的美好祝愿,微妙的东西包括有虾来祝愿幸福快乐,干贝祝愿完事顺利,生鱼来祝愿好运和繁荣。fai-hai 一种像头发般的可食用海藻带来繁荣的祝愿,水饺意味着对家庭的美好祝愿。





